Archive for March, 2011

First an introduction. Me, Chris…You, hopefully someone into snowboarding, the Colorado lifestyle, or someone who finds humor in my day-to-day anecdotes that may or may not have anything to do with the afore-mentioned topics. Now that we have that out of the way…(pause), hold on for a minute, Ava my 2 and 1/2 year-old commands my attention………….Ok I am back, my daughter wanted me to know (and also you, I think) that “Bananas don’t walk, Silly!” Judging by her inflection I think that she is explaining that bananas do not walk, and is referring to me as “Silly”…the less likely explanation of her monologue is that bananas do walk, but not in a silly manner.

I am glad she interrupted, because it leads to my next point: Despite the main purpose of this blog being to provide information on Colorado snowboarding, many posts will be centered around the things that my daughter does and says that I find hilarious. As this blog progresses I plan on linking to snowboarding specific sites. ( I am taking suggestions of links that you would like to see.) Also the latest pictures of my attempts to be Shaun White-esque will be forthcoming.

This is not only my first blog post for Team Clam Rammer, it is my first blog post EVER! Behind the times, I know, but I am a quick learner.

The inspiration for this blog was set in motion 2 years ago on a snowboarding outing to Breckenridge Ski Resort with my Dad (read: cool guy not nearly old enough to be my dad, more like brother or friend, that decided to take on the responsibility of being my “dad” 25 or so years ago), and my uncle (another guy closer to my age than most uncles tend to be, that also shares a profound interest in snowboarding.) There is a run, between Peak 7 and Peak 8 (I think), called Claimjumper. After a morning full of riding and a lunch-time break full of Shock-Top Belgian White unfiltered wheat ale, it is very easy to misread the small print of the trail map. Claimjumper can very easily become Clamrammer. So was the case on this particular day…and it stuck…

We had always wanted to make some “Clamrammer” hoodies, or stickers, or really anything as a novel reminder of the Freudian slip, but nothing really ever came to be. We considered registering a domain name, if for no other reason than just to make sure no one else could have A blog was never even considered. I didn’t even know what a blog really was until recently.

I am taking a business communication course through Columbia Southern University in my attempts to finish my degree in Business Administration. The essay that I just turned in required me to explain clearly the process of writing a blog, including the key factors that make it effective. I struggled for days to wrap my head around how to write the essay. Then in clicked. Why not figure out how to create a blog, actually do it, then write my essay on the process. I haven’t received my grade back yet, but I did reference the creation of this blog, so Prof. White, if you happen to be reading this blog how ’bout an “A”? I’m just sayin’….

…one of the things I learned in writing the essay was to keep blog posts brief. I think I am already pushing the limits of length, so…

…to be continued…