Posts Tagged ‘Buddha’

5:25 am:  The sun seems to be shining through my bedroom window more than usual despite the Levolor blinds and black-out drapes.  Maybe there is a light on outside, maybe I am dreaming.  I am fairly certain however that the urge to pee is real, and I roll out of bed to walk to the bathroom.  I take care of business and zombie-walk back to bed.

6:23:  It has been less than an hour since I was last up, but now the sun overpowers the bedroom window, and Tenley (5 month old daughter)  is awake.  I again have the urge to pee, although it may just be out of habit.  I follow the same course to the bathroom that I took an hour prior, but this time there is something different.  As I step from the carpet of my bedroom to the hard surface of the bathroom floor, my foot nearly drowns in a puddle (read: ocean) of wetness.  We keep a bowl of water near this area for our 7 year-old cocker spaniel to drink from in the middle of the night.  My initial, overly optimistic, assessment of this situation was that the water bowl spilled at some point during the last hour.  After further investigation that centered around paper-towels and my sense of smell I quickly realized that this was no ocean of water.  It was much closer to a kiddie pool.  KIDS PEE IN KIDDIE POOLS!

Where could this pile of pee have come from?  I narrowed it down to one of three possibilities: 1) My 2 and 1/2 year-old may have had an accident in the night.  It is possible that she tried to make it to the bathroom and didn’t quite make it there.  If this were the case she would have woke either me or Carly though.  2)  I did have 3 Margaritas last night at Hooter’s.  I have known people to pee on the floor after consuming large amounts of alcohol.  Perhaps 2 margaritas is my limit.  3)  Buddha, our 4 month-old Rottweiller puppy, somehow got out of his “little area”, came upstairs, and puppy-peed on my floor. 

I finish cleaning the pee.  Carly is awake now and heads downstairs to change Tenley’s diaper and let the dogs outside.  She comes back upstairs a few minutes later with a look on her face that already answers the question I am about to ask her: “Babe, did Buddha get out of his little area?”  Carly responds, “Yes.”

Me: “Did he make a mess?”

Carly: “He pooped……………..Twice.”

Me: “And?”

Carly: “He ate one of our decorative balls.”

Me: “And?”

Carly: “He got Tenley’s diaper bag and emptied everything out of it.”

Apparently Buddha decided to have a party his last night in the house.  Carly and I are in the process of moving and of all the houses that we are looking at very few will allow a Rottweiller.  Today we are meeting with a representative from Rottie Aid, that has found a suitable home for Buddha.  It sucks having to give him away, but it is for the best.  At least he partied like a rock-star his last night with us.

Just checked snow report at Loveland:  2″ overnight…forcast is for 4″-9″ by friday…Looks like Friday might be a powder day for  those who appreciate the relatively short drive to the closest major ski area to Denver.

Ava announces, “Buddha pooped in his little area!  Buddha pooped in his little area!  Buddha pooped in his little area!”  As if I couldn’t tell by the overpowering smell that had imposed its will on my nostrils.  The scenario that just played out has nothing to do with today’s blog drop, but the fact remains that it did play out, and it played out as I started this post, so you got to hear about it. 

I’m keeping this one short because tonight is all you can eat wings at Hooter’s, and I am taking my family.   Yeah I know, I get the Dad/Husband of the Year Award.  Before you judge  me, consider the following:  My wife likes wings;  My 2 1/2 year-old likes the tall stools that she get’s to sit on at Hooter’s, plus she always gets hooked up with a balloon; and my 5 month old is still breast-feeding, so… well I think you know where I am going with that one.  As for me,  I just want my family to be happy…  Anyway if you are heading to one of Colorado’s many ski resorts in the next couple weeks consider checking out one of the following events:

A-Basin:  Live Music Thursday and Friday from 2:30-5:30 pm at 6th Alley Bar

Loveland: Apres Party with Live Music 2:30-5:30 pm Saturday on the Basin patio…Also  3/10/2011 is the last 95.7 HookyDay

Breckenridge:  Mardi Gras Meets the Mountain 3/5/2011-3/8/2011

Keystone:  Live music Friday 4:30-6:30 pm

Copper Mountain:  Colorado Special Olympics Winter Games 3/5/2011-3/7/2011

Vail:  Bud Light Street Beat Concert on 3/3/2011…Also CarniVail Mardi Gras themed parade, concerts, and food starts Sunday

Eldora:  BBQ and Boulder Beer at Timbers Lodge this Saturday…Also free lift ticket promotion…bring in a lift ticket or pass from any other resort and ski free at Eldora

Okay I’m out…I bet that you couldn’t even tell that I left mid-blog for my Hooter’s excursion…The wings were great…Ava got a balloon…Tenley (my 5-month old) was captivated by the neon lights of the Corona sign on the wall next to our table…and our well-endowed waitress bent over in front of me to admire my kids…