Archive for March 10, 2011

It was clear blue skies and 70 degrees in Denver today.  I wish I could have been snowboarding.  I’m not sure how great the snow was; most area resorts did not post any new accumulations within the past 24 hours.  Having said that, there was probably some residual snow from the relatively heavy snowfall 2-3 days ago. 

We have an awesome nanny that does a great job with our kids.  Even if she had been able to watch the girls today, I still would not have been able to enjoy a day on the slopes because I had an appointment with my doctor.  Don’t be alarmed, I will most likely live to blog another day.  I actually only mention my appointment because it is a good segue into the conversation that just played out between Ava and I.

I am sitting at the kitchen table and Ava approaches with her hands behind her back.

Ava: “Daddy, how are you feeling?”

Me: “I am feeling good.  A little tired.”

Ava pulls out her Littman Quality stethoscope from behind her back.

Dr. Ava: “I need to take a closer look.”

I turn to her to make the exam easier.  She places the stethoscope to my heart, turns her head, and focuses on an imaginary point in space somewhere on the wall behind my left shoulder.  After a few seconds…

Dr. Ava: “I’ll be right back.”

Me: “Ok, sounds good.”

She returns with an ice pack and places it on my hand. After a few more seconds…

Dr. Ava: “Now how do you feel?”

Me: “Much better.  Thank you Doctor.”

Dr. Ava: “Your welcome, patient.”

What she may lack in diagnostic skills, she certainly makes up for with her bedside manner.  So is the case with many doctors, I suppose…