Archive for March 8, 2011

“Oh, Ok. Bye”

Posted: March 8, 2011 in Uncategorized

It is 6:31 a.m. and I walk down the stairs from our bedroom and am greeted by Carly who is getting ready to leave for work.  Ava, my 2 and 1/2 year-old is eating Cheerios, and Tenley is not sleeping or eating, so I assume she is doing the only other thing that 5 month-old babies do: unloading in her diaper. 

When she sees me Ava opens the morning dialogue.

Ava:  “Daddy, do you want to go to work with us?”

Me: “You are going to work today?”

Ava: “Uh-huh, I am.”

Me:  “Oh I thought just mommy was going to work today.  Maybe we can stay home and do something more fun.”

 The questioning look that Ava shoots me seems to say: Seriously, dude?

Me: “…Or we could go somewhere else that is fun.”

Carly chimes in with, “Ava maybe daddy will take you to Little Monkey Busni….”

I quickly cut off Carly.  While going to Little Monkey Business is a possibility today,  I don’t want to make that promise and for some reson not be able to follow through.  It’s too late though, Ava has already figured it out.

Ava:  “Can we, Can we, Can we?  Can we go to Little Monkey Biz today?”

Ava: ” I have to go potty!  I have to go potty!”

Carly and Ava disappear upstairs.  Carly returns downstairs after a few minutes and tells me about the conversation that transpired upstairs.

Carly: “Ok Ava, mommy has to go to work now.”

Ava: “I told you that I wanted to go to work with you.”

Ava starts crying…

Carly: “Sweetie mommy has to go to work, but you get to hang out with Daddy and Tenley.”

Ava: “But, I want to hang out with you.”

Carly: “I want to hang out with you, too.  Mommy has to go to work though, so she can buy you nice things.”

Ava: “Oh, OK.  Bye.”

I am sure I will be worn out from a busy day at Little Monkey Business, and also from trying to teach my toddler the importance of a dollar.  For those of you that are not worn out tonight consider the following:

Yo Mama’s Big Fat Booty Band

Today, Tuesday, Mar 8: 8:30pm to  12:00am
at Fox Theatre, Boulder, CO


In Boulder, the Jax at 928 Pearl Street is offering a three-course menu with traditional New Orleans cuisine for $35; call 303-444-1811 or go to

Also in Boulder, the West End Tavern (926 Pearl Street, 303-444-3535, and Centro Latin Kitchen & Refreshment Palace (950 Pearl Street, 303-442-7771,, are marking Mardi Gras with food-and-drink specials.

It’s Mardi Gras.  Have a happy Fat Tuesday!