Archive for March 6, 2011

Old Gregg

Posted: March 6, 2011 in Funny Stuff
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Another slow night at the hospital, so I have had plenty of time to figure out a way to tie in this blog-drop to the overall theme of Rammin’ the Clam…ummm, uhhh,  well…yeah, no success… I don’t know that there is any way to tie in anything to a hermaphroditic merman who emits blinding light from his “mangina.”  But, alas, my co-worker asked me to somehow include Old Gregg in my post, and I owe said co-worker a favor because, after all, she did introduce me to the awesome world of ninjas, and for that I am forever indebted.   So check out the Old Gregg Full (HD Version) on youtube.

It is 10 minutes and 45 seconds of your life that you will never get back, however I am certain that at some point during the video you will laugh, despite the overwhelming feeling that, in fact, you shouldn’t be laughing at all.